Bah Humbug! Is this only for Christmas or can I also use it for Valentine’s Day?
Love was in the air on the 14th. I wanted to stay home the whole day. Instead, I bravely made my way downtown. I said “bravely” because I didn’t want to be a witness to all the PDA (go ahead, laugh!) Maybe it was just me, but EVERYWHERE I looked, I saw people holding hands, kissing and *gags* buying…flowers!!!! I dropped off a Scentsy order to one of my favorite customers then I rushed back home! As soon as I made it home, I knew right away that I did NOT want to go back out there. Not just because I’m such a big prude that can’t handle some PDA, but it was FREEZING out there! I live in Montreal, so I should be accustomed to such awful weather right? I’m not. I don’t think I ever will!
The hubby and I had made plans to go out later in the evening, but as soon as I got home, I was already trying to come up with an excuse as to why we should just stay home. Luckily enough, he knew me so and had a backup plan (in the off chance I backed out on our date night). Don’t get me wrong, I like to go out (every once in a while), but in the winter, I become a total hermit and only go out IF necessary.
My cheesy lover bought me flowers. Which made me feel awful because I didn’t get him anything!

To make it up to him, I cooked him a nice meal and then we got chocolate wasted! Ok. Not really! I’m the one that got chocolate wasted.

Sigh, Who I am kidding? Valentine’s Day is always nice in our house. It was even better this year. It’s my son first year in the “big school” (as he likes to call it) and we did special treat bags for all his classmates. Grandma came over to help out!
Even Papa helped. I was overseeing the work…and snapping pictures (as always).
So I survived Valentine’s Day. I may not be a big fan of this over-commercialized holiday, but the two men in my life are. So I put up with it (for them). Isn’t what love is all about? How did everyone spend their Valentine’s Day? I love hearing from you!
*Want to get chocolate wasted too? Check out this site for some delicious Premium Belgian Chocolate.
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Sounds like you all had a lovely time. Thank you for sharing it with us.
What a nice day. I spent it buying guinea pig food and special treats for my son. I surprised him at school with a balloon an some goodies. My husband surprised me with 2 guinea pigs as a gift {I am a HUGE animal lover} which explains why I was out buying guinea pig food and hay. lol. We then had a nice quiet family dinner and closed it off watching a movie, just the three of us.
Spent it with hubby and kids. My 6 year old made a huge stash of candy loot. Also had a chance to get her teacher a gift. We also had a nice meal at home
My hubby and I don’t do anything at all for Valentine’s Day. Actually, we ended up going to spin class together, but that’s about it. LOL.
We didn’t do much for Valentine’s Day. Hubby and I were both so tired from our drive. We had take out and basically kick it with the kiddo.
My husband said we weren’t exchanging gifts. And then he bought me a gift. -_-
I’m not big on Valentine’s Day, thankfully neither is hubby.
We love anything chocolate here too. The milky-er, the better!
Chocolate is so good. Looks like you guys had a great day.
I think this year was one of my best Valentine’s Day ever because my hub made it really special. He is usually very kind and sweet, but this years I think tops them all! He surprised me with a Coach Purse, Coach Perfume, Stuffed Animal, Balloon, and a sweet card. He also got me some take out from a local restaurant, which was super yummy. We toasted with a sweet drink he made us and even surprised me with flowers and a platter of strawberries on the bed!
Really cute. Sounds like you had a wonderful holiday. We don’t celebrate VDay so I didn’t get anything special ;).
Lol, that is a great way to look at this holiday. It can get a little overwhelming and full of expectations.
I love getting chocolate wasted, it’s one of my favorite rituals. I pigged out big time. By mourning there was nothing left and I got in so much trouble.
I got flowers (roses to be exact), chocolate covered strawberries (delicious) and a watch….I got him chocolate and a card. I think he may have gone a bit over the $50 limit set!
Yours sounded like a perfect day with the two loves of your life. I did NADA! And loved it too 🙂
I love the saying “chocolate wasted”! That is my kind of vice to have and I am never embarrassed when I get wasted on it. LOL
I love that your family all helped with the treat bags.
It seems like you have a great day at home with your love ones..nice photos..
The day seemed like it turned out to be ok for you.. We are not big fans of the day either, but we made due. I was not going all out, since we just did that a while ago with the other holidays..
I survived Valentine day too, all by myself 🙁
I’m not a fan of the commercialized holiday either. We never go out to dinner on Valentine’s Day, it is just too crowded. Everyday can be Valentine’s Day if you treat your sweetie right! 🙂 It sounds like you had a great night in…and warm too!
What a beautiful day for you… I do love your red roses.
Woow What a lovely day to spend on valentines day.. and a lot of twist! Im sure it was fun.
No chocolate for me this year, but I did get some for my husband.
I love Belgian chocolate and I am the opposite of you, I love Valentine’s Day and the whole craziness that goes along with me crazy…lol. It looks like you guys had a special Valentine’s Day! 🙂
Looks like you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day and no PDA needed.
I am not into this commercialized holiday either. I would rather stay home and save the money for a night not so crowded with mediocre food.
Sounds like you had an awesome Valentine’s Day 🙂
Michelle F>
What a perfect Vday!! I ate a lot of chocolate!
Hubby brought me some flowers as well but I’m not a big fan of Valentines Day. They’re still sitting on the table. Didn’t get him anything either. 🙂
sounds like a great day 🙂 I get chocolate wasted a LOT!
Sounds like you had fun, I spent it working, but made up for it on the weekend with flowers.