I thought long and hard about 7 things about me that you lovelies don’t already know. It was hard because I tend to over share a lot (like how I don’t shave my legs during the winter #AintNobodyGotTimeForThat). So here goes nothing…
1. I have underlying princess syndrome (I KNOW I was a princess in my previous life #CantTellMeNothing).
2. My feet sometimes moves on its own when I’m in a relaxed/safe environment. It’s like a flexing movement…I only know I do this because my sister Marie complaints about it when she sits near me and I’m touching her with my feet (she hates that).
3. When I get scared or nervous, my feet gets cold.
4. I have a really bad temper and I hold grudges (working on that…)
5. I’m a closet hoarder. Whenever it starts to get out of hand I watch “Hoarders: Buried Alive” to motivate me to get rid of “stuff”.
6. I’m always yelling. I only do it around my close family, nobody else gets to see my yelling face (it’s not pretty).
7. My teenage years were spent reading romance novels. So I grew up with this unrealistic idea on what “being in love” is. Now that I’m older, I know that if you don’t contemplate suffocating your spouse with a pillow at least once a week, you’re living a lie! Which is why I love Pink song “True Love” it sums up my feelings.
I love to hear from you guys! Tell me something funny about yourself!
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**I shared this a couple years ago on my FB personal page but I wanted to share this with my readers. You can read more about me here.
My feet are ALWAYS cold no matter what. I loved learning more about you today!
I always love learning about the person behind the blog. I can’t carry a tune, but I love to sing and random songs are always popping up in my mind. And my feet are cold right now, but I’m too lazy to get up and grab a pair of socks. 🙂
Alli recently posted…Light Butterscotch Pumpkin Mousse
Loved learning more about you! I’m a closet romance reader as well – but I think my expectations have realigned to reality lol!
Jaime Nicole recently posted…The Santa List – Managing Expectations
Haha, I truly believe that I was a Princess in another life too! Yay for all the Princesses out there, lol.
I too have a bad temper and hold a grudge! I still yell at my dad for the time I was 5 and he wouldn’t let me go to Disney on Ice with my nanny!!
Hmmm let me think of something funny about myself, well sometimes I pretend to be sick (Cold, stomach bug, headache) just so I can lock myself in my room and eat my hidden stash or candy! LOL DO NOT TELL MY HUBBY OR KIDS!
I’m a yeller. That’s the only way people… mainly my kids will listen.
aimee fauci recently posted…Mini Apple Cinnamon Pies
I still love romance novels lol. I started reading them when I was a teen too.
My husband’s feet do the same thing. Especially when hes in the process of falling asleep. I can see your sister’s point. 😉
Ashley recently posted…Light Pumpkin Dip in a Fresh Fruit Wreath
It’s so nice to learn more about the people behind blogs. I love DIYing things even when it will take me 3x more time (and effort & stress) than a professional! And I DIY it anyway!
Jenn @ EngineerMommy recently posted…Brilliant Financial Resolutions for the New Year
Ha ha! I have to watch horders too. I have an entire hope chest filled with crafts my kids made. Just to move it we would have to empty is out as it’s far too heavy to even budge.
Lol. I think you and my girls. They both think they are a princess as well.
It’s always fun to learn more about the blogger behind the blog. I’m still a romantic. Fortunately my hubby is living up to the dream. 🙂
I love the idea of a princess syndrome!! Love your philosophy on love romance novels set up for unreasonable expectations.
It was great learning more about you! I think I hold on to stuff way too long too. I finally rented a storage facility so I could start clearing some space out and keep what I actually use in my house.
Liz Mays recently posted…Dating While Weird: Treat Yoself
almost sound like me. I can get mad really easily and then really, I don’t think straight. I’m definitely CAN hold a grudge forever but I usually drop it and wait for the other person to come to their senses
Jennifer recently posted…Christmas Gift Ideas for Moms
I think kids only listen to yelling 🙂
Interesting to learn more about you.
Weren’t we all princesses in our former lives? lol So cool learning more about you, Marielle. (o:
I love learning things about a blog’s author. It is one way to connect with each other.
I love know more about you as an author. I hope I can do the same in my blog.
Miles L. recently posted…Oh Mobile Phone
Fun read! I always find these type of post to be really interesting as you get to learn more about the blogger as a person 😀 Great to ‘meet’ you here from Awesome Blogger group. Your last picture crack me up! Too funny lmao
Maureen recently posted…Co-parenting in Holidays Season
OMG thank you, I thought I was evil for contemplating to suffocate MOH sometimes. For those who do not know me, they get a crash course in five minutes of meeting me and realise I talk ALOT 🙂
Miranda (Myrabev) recently posted…Christmas gift idea for him
Lol. It’s nice to know some things about you and yes, Lol, because I think I see myself in you. I love number 7!
When you get nervous your feet get cold?! Never heard of that! My feet are always cold…I wonder if they get colder when I’m scared or nervous? Need to make note of that 😉
lisa @bitesforbabies recently posted…Chocolate Cherry Puffed Rice Cupcakes
Thanks for sharing things about yourself. I think people like to know the human and real side of a blogger. It’s important so people can connect to you.
Now it makes total sense! My Daughter must suffer from underlying princess syndrome lol. I also always have cold feet yet i hate to wear socks. I end up wearing my sandals until the snow comes.
Many sound like me! I am a closet horder too, what a mess!
Mama to 5 BLessings recently posted…Top Five Tips to Maintain Your Car in the Winter + Water Savers Prize Pack Giveaway
You have some weird things with your feet! LOL. I am trying to let things go better too.
Heather D. (@GirlGoneMom) recently posted…Holiday Gifts for Boys
I love to read personal posts about fellow bloggers – it makes me feel that I know them better. My teenage years were spent reading romance novels too!
I had no idea that Princess Syndrome is a thing. We totally have that in common! LOL
I also have a very bad temper and hold grudges. I’ve been that way since I was a little girl but, like you, I am definitely working on this.
I honestly have never thought of suffocating my hubby with a pillow…but almost nightly I think of smacking him with one so he’ll stop snoring – does that count?! LOL
Kristen from The Road to Domestication recently posted…On Trying New Restaurants When You’re Tired of Cooking
OMG you and me both with that quote. I think I contemplate actually shooting mine instead of suffocating him lol. As for that closet hoarder that is so me too. My garden shed is packed full of things that I NEED to get rid of.
Amanda || Growing Up Madison recently posted…Introducing the Homeless Collection by Kanye West