Up until a couple of weeks ago, whenever I would hear someone talking about “Sleep Training” their baby/child I would cringe. The whole thing sounded barbaric to me. I knew little about the process other than the fact that it involved letting my sweet baby cry. You’ve seen her; she’s adorable. How could I let her cry? Who cares if I only got about four solid hours of sleep at night? Isn’t what coffee is for? I mean, I survived with my son. Surely, I can survive with my daughter. Boy, was I wrong! Today I’m going to share with you 5 reasons you failed at sleep training your Baby. Keep reading till the end; I’m also sharing my JOHNSON’S® Tonight We Sleep™ Challenge results!
5 Reasons You Failed At Sleep Training Your Baby + JOHNSON’S® Tonight We Sleep™ Challenge
For those of you new to my blog, I have a son that’s 8 and a ten months old daughter. When my son was a baby (6 months old), I did try sleep training with him but fail. The first two days he cried for what felt like hours. On day 3, I gave up and never tried again. To be fair, my son was such a calm baby. He could sit on my lap for hours nursing quietly. My daughter on the other hand? I call her my little worm. She wants to climb on things; she wants to touch EVERYTHING, and she has to taste test it too. The only peace I get is nap time (about 1 hour on a good day) or bed time. Which up to two weeks ago, required me to be in the bed with her. That also meant I didn’t have any time to get anything done during the day. She would also be so cranky from going to be so late at night.
Fun facts: Did you know that babies that are 9 to 17-months-old require about 11-12 hours of sleep at night? (reference)
Why do so many of us fail when it comes to sleep training our baby?
You are not emotionally ready
What? Yes, YOU, the parent, isn’t willing to let go. On day one of sleep training, my excuse for picking my daughter up was that “she smells so good”. I was missing the cuddles. She was only in her bed for about 45 minutes. *insert eye rolling*.
Family members (older kids, another parent, etc.) are not emotionally ready
When we had my son, I was “the other parent” that wasn’t ready. My son’s father was braver than I was. Day one of my Tonight We Sleep™ Challenge I made the mistake of not telling my son, my sister and my SO that I was starting said challenge. When my daughter started crying, they ALL freaked out. My son was calling me a meanie. My sister kept coming into my office asking how long has it been. Surprisingly enough (not!), Papa wasn’t phased. On day two, I told everyone to be prepared and just to suck it up because this was happening!
You don’t have a support system
When my son was little, I didn’t have any mommy friends. You don’t need a million mom friends, but one or two good ones makes all the difference in the world. When I decided to start getting my daughter to sleep on a schedule, I talk to two other mommy friends. Both had gone through sleep training with their kids and were successful. Sometimes all you need is a “you go mama!” to help you stay strong in your journey!
You are not Consistent
That one is tough. The truth is, things can happen. On day 3 of our sleep training, we took a little family car ride with my MIL. We didn’t get back home until way past my daughter’s bedtime. On day five she refused to sleep during the day. No naps (yikes). By 6 pm she was ready to clock out, but her bedtime is at 7:30 pm It was a tough call but I kept her awake, and it paid off. She slept the whole night and woke up the following morning at 6:30 am. What I learned from the last two weeks is that you have to keep them on a schedule as often as possible. It’s more for them than for you.
You haven’t tried the JOHNSON’S® Tonight We Sleep™ Challenge
When I was given the opportunity to try the JOHNSON’S® Tonight We Sleep™ Challenge, I jumped at the idea! I wasn’t getting any sleep, and neither was my daughter. Blogging during the day was pretty much out since I had both my daughter and my son to look after during the day. I figured if I can get her to sleep on a schedule, then I can finally get some stuff done when she’s out. I’m so glad I took the challenge.
The Johnson’s Baby 3-Step Routine is what worked for my daughter. Every bedtime starts the same way. I feed her; then we take a bath using the JOHNSON’S Baby BEDTIME Bath. After that, I give her a baby massage using the JOHNSON’S Baby BEDTIME Lotion. Then it’s quiet time. Depending on her mood that day (yes, my ten months old has moods), we can either cuddle or read a bedtime story. Then I kiss her and tell her good night (“Fait dodo” in French). Then I leave the room. She will do her usual “whine” for a few seconds then laid down to sleep.
Our Success Story
The Johnson’s Baby 3-Step Routine was a success with my daughter. After day 3, she no longer cried for more than a minute. She’s well rested and I can get more things done while she sleeps.
I only wish I had started a few months ago. I’m so happy that my daughter finally gets the rest she needs to help her grow, but I can also get so much more done.
Are you ready for the JOHNSON’S® Tonight We Sleep™ Challenge? Download the app (available for both iOS and Android) and finally get the sleep you and baby both need!
Visit JOHNSON’S on Facebook for Advice, inspiration, and smiles
Were you successful at sleep training your child? I failed with my son but happy to report that I was very successful with my daughter.
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Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Johnson’s® Baby Canada in conjunction with Blog Meets Brand, and I have been compensated for my participation. All opinions are my own.
Being emotionally ready is a HUGE part of it. It’s hard to let your baby cry it out. But unless you’re all about co-sleeping, you’ve got to hang in there.
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle recently posted…I choose smooth legs with Venus #ChooseYourSmooth
It’s so hard to do, isn’t it? I am NOT good when I’m tired though, so I did that. It only took one night for both of my kids thankfully.
Liz Mays recently posted…TexMex, Burgers, BBQ & Brunch: The Best East Texas Restaurants
Yea I didn’t realize how not having a solid 10 hours at night was making her cranky during the day. I’m glad it worked for you too!
We love our Johnsons for bedtime! Its always been a part of our nightly routine with my kiddos. I even love using it on myself!
I agree, you have to be emotionally ready for getting kids to sleep through the night. Consistency is key. Been there, done that 4 times. I’m glad I’m through that stage of things–I can guarantee that they eventually figure it out and you will end up getting more sleep!
Jeanette recently posted…Simple Ways to Fight Childhood Hunger
She is adorable and looks so peaceful. I know my kids always do better with routine, this Johnsons routine sounds great.
Vera Sweeney recently posted…Are You A Squatter Or A Nester? The Debate Continues #AudreyAndVera
I know so many who do not let their baby cry and will pick them up for every little thing and then wonder why they have problems with sleeping or, when they get older, other issues. You have to be willing to let them cry and not give in.
I salute to all the mom’s out there, It’s so hard when you have a baby and sometimes you don’t know what to do.
I definitely failed at sleep training, and for most of the reasons mentioned above. Now at 6, my son still doesn’t have a great sleep routine.
Johnson’s was my go-to when my kids were little. Their bedtime lotion was a lifesaver.
Mary Edwards recently posted…Top 5 Reasons Every Family Should Own a Dog
As a Grandmother I expect the children to sleep during our overnights. There are some times it’s not going to happen – bad dreams, illness, etc. When I thing we’ve seen it all something else pops up…Having the parents emotionally ready is huge! I don’t have the children overnight until that happens. I can always tell when the kids have crossed that hurdle and then the Grandchildren are welcome to come over for the night. It’s more pleasant for all of us
These are great tips. However, it was different for me. All my kids had a sleep schedule but I held and rocked them to sleep. They were not fussy babies and it did not take a long time for them to fall asleep. I will share this post with my daughter. She’s got a 7 month old right now and maybe these tips will help her with bedtime.
The lack of consistency will get ya every time. Fortunately, I’m super stubborn and consistent. 🙂
Liz Mays recently posted…TexMex, Burgers, BBQ & Brunch: The Best East Texas Restaurants
I’ll admit that I wasn’t successful in this with my child, but it was mostly because I wasn’t consistent with it. This is why it’s so important to have a routine. 🙂
HilLesha recently posted…One Less Errand with Google Express
I was lucky with my girls. They were pretty easy to get to sleep, and still are. I loved using Johnson’s products as well.
Aww, look at her! So cute! I think I was successful in sleep training my son when he was a baby. He was such a good baby and I can’t remember a time that he gave me major problems. 🙂
I did pretty well with sleep training my kids, but it was AWFUL for me. I just about died when I had to let the kids cry it out. Luckily, they were decent sleepers to begin with.
Having a baby in about 6 months so this is great for me to read. Thanks
My son never slept in his crib. Some children have different needs no matter what you do. He won’t be 18 and in our bed.
Heather recently posted…Bahama Breeze Reggae Fest #ReggaeFest
My son never slept in his crib either lol He still sneaks into our room at night when he can heheh They won’t be little for a long time. Enjoy all the little moments!
Personally, I don’t believe in sleep training, but that is a very personal choice. I know for many families, it is the way to go. Also, we have a special needs child, so that factored in as well.
Kelly Hutchinson recently posted…5 Simple Ways Women Can Find Balance In Their Lives
I think with everything in life, there are some exceptions. At the end of the day, you have to do what’s best for you and your family. That’s what really matters. I’ve been on both side of this and totally understand where you are coming from.
This sounds like a great routine. I was not successful with sleep training my son. It seems like he hardly slept when he was a baby.
Johnson’s 3 Step Baby Routines sounds like something I will have to share with my sister and niece for their little ones. They are both struggling with the babies sleep at night. Thanks for sharing the information.
Johnson’s is part of so many families bedtime! really good tips
That baby is adorable. Consistency is key when putting the baby on a sleep schedule. Thanks for sharing. – Yolonda
OMGosh I co-slept! LOL I was a horrible sleep trainer with my kids, got a little better by kid # 3 😉 Great article.
I co-slept with my son and with my daughter up until a couple of weeks ago. I’m breastfeeding and she would spend the night on my if she had the choice. I wasn’t getting any sleep at all! lol
I don’t have kids yet, but I feel like this would be one of the hardest things to do as a mother because it’s a step signifying that your child is growing up. And while that’s a great thing, it’s heart-wrenching too!
Totally! With my first, I was not ready at all. My daughter doesn’t sit still so we had to get her on a schedule. lol
These are such great tips for helping your baby sleep through the night. I never got sleep training down, but I certainly tried <3 Thanks for the tips 🙂
This was such a difficult phase to get past with my daughter. I cried when she cried it out. I was tired. No, my husband and I were exhausted. A great plan, support system, and the right products really can help!
Heather Pfingsten recently posted…Life of the Lunchbox ~ Celebrating Creativity
Each child is so different. My last two babies were 16 months apart so our sleep method was cuddle them in my bed until they fell asleep. Then I placed them in their bed.
tara pittman recently posted…Support Healthy Digestion And Immunity During Pregnancy With A Delicious Vanilla Caramel
Ahhhh sleep training!!!! Thankful my daughter sleeps through the night, now only if I can get her to want to sleep in her own bed! It’s always such a battle lol…
Good luck with that! Tristan is 8 and he still sneaks in our room whenever he can!
This post is great! My son is sleeping all night long now.
My two year old is super easy. My four year old is another story. He is laying in my bed fast asleep as I type this. He snuck in about an hour ago.
LOL My son does that too and he is 8 years old!
My baby can not sleep the whole night, always cry for milk. I almost feed her 3 time every night…
Stay strong mama! Hopefully, it drops to 1-2 times!
First of all, that is the sweetest picture! Oh my. Consistency is key with sleep training, and it definitely takes emotional strength. Hearing your baby cry is never easy.
This post is so relatable! We all went through this at some point. It’s awesome that Johnson’s has these products to help parents with sleep training. I think it’s great!
Will share this especially to first time parents out there. This could be really a good read and helpful tips too!
Ron@ApartmentsInMichigan recently posted…Safest Places To Live In Michigan 2016
Honestly, I find it hard to turn a deaf ear to a crying baby. I know they should learn to self-soothe but my motherly instinct takes over and I pick my child up and rock them to sleep. Since there is no real guide book on “how-to” be a mom, I guess you just do what you feel is right for both you and your baby. Very much a personal decision, if you would ask me.
Annemarie LeBlanc recently posted…4 Toddler-Friendly Water Parks To Extend Your Summer Vacation Before Back-To-School
I agree with you, Annemarie! My son used to do this really sad cry whenever he wanted to be picked up. It was HARD!
The absolute hardest thing to do is to get a child to go to bed–much less to sleep–Just ask my Mom!! She says she still has nightmares–I would tell her how many times to read each book–and I figured out real young how to escape prison (the crib)–I was definitely a night person until I hit my 20’s–then I switched–now at 66 its early to bed and early to rise. Of course they didn’t have the Johnsons sleepy time stuff then either!!
Michele recently posted…The Last Few Weeks Have Been———–
Awwww, she is so darn cute! Being consistent in your routine and being emotionally ready are crucial!
Echo recently posted…Get Them Something Special To Take Back To School
It is so true that you have to be consistent! If you give up (which most of us tend to do) then old habits come back very quickly.
I do not have children so I can’t relate to this on a personal level but I bet it is all kinds of hard!
I dont use Johnsons but I have a night routine With my boys that works well. I try to get them at bed around the same time since they were little and so far it works! We always do story time before bed too!
We love our Johnsons for bedtime! I still use it in my bubble baths! I love it!
Sleep training is definitely not an easy job for everyone. I am in love with that Johnsons bed routine so much. The bed time lotion sounds like a wonderful option to put them to sleep & your daughter looks so cute.
Getting the kids to go to sleep at night was as difficult as potty training them for me. I’m going to use your tips to help the sleep process with my grand kids and any future ones I am blessed with.
Terri Beavers recently posted…Getting Ready for Work With Sanford @Shoplet
Great tips.. your daughter looks so adorable! I love Johnson’s bed time product line, love the scents
it’s hard the 1st time around, that 1st born is when parents learn from each experience… being emotionally ready comes easier with each child after : )
My boy have a schedule when it comes to bed time. But sometimes it doesn’t work.
I don’t think I will ever be emotionally ready… lol I hate the crying. 🙁 My heart breaks for my son when I hear him.
I definitely agree that lack of consistency is often behind the failure of any habit or system. It’s something I struggle with.